Saturday, January 24, 2009

okay,it seems that i am the fresh victim of this thingy called tag...
i din't even know what it was.But,when i did,it was my turn to be under the
feel free to take out any kind of interpretation of these,because,without any doubts,it wouldn't match with mine...:D
in doing so- put your brains aside...
analyse not with your heart...
Then,read with the remaining of your elements...

Anyways,i was tagged by aneesh and here it goes...

1.If your lover betrayed you,what would yor reaction be?

what kind of reaction can you expect?I would leave the crying part to him...and chuck that person....and yes,maybe forgive...but thats just a

2.What's it that you see in an ideal partner?
Well,Intelligence,intellectual compatibility,and an ability to think and analyse things beyond the obvious.a mature being,to whom i would love talking to.I believe in loving a person who can make your life beautiful rather than loving a beautiful person,among many other things...

3.What according to you is a perfect date?
havent thought much...but my birthday would be an ideal

4.How would you propose to your love?
wats this?how do i know!

5.Will you fall in love with your with your best friend?
hmmm...a best friend is a best friend ...cmon!

6.Which is more blessed-loving someone or being loved by someone?
i think being truely blessed is to love someone and be loved in return,unconditionally....that maks a perfect blessing...else,things would go haywire...

7.How long do you intend to wait for someone you love?
Atleast,not a lifetime,i am sure...

8.If the person you secretly like is attached,what will you do?
like i said before,it is vital that the person you love loves you back...

9.What do you think are the foundation stones of a good relationship?
uncontional love and support system,understanding of a true kind,and trust and faith...

10.What according to you is the most beautiful thing about relationships or marraige?
i think one must experience to say somthing about it...which i havent...

11.Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?
being happy pursuing my dream,and passions in life,living to the fullest...and making everyone proud...being a notch apart from the rest...content and willing to take on anything in life....looking back at years and smiling quietly...

12.Whats your fear?
lizards!!now don't tell me to face my fears...mwahahahaha

13.What kind of person do you think is the person who tagged you?
hmmm...well,aneesh,the self-defined arrogant,sarcastic person...a nice friend...of all i have come to know about him,he's one person you can share ideas with...and discuss anthing from analysing little details to psychology to serious spiritual stuff and not to forget, speeches...becuase he has a knack of coming up with great speech ideas...and one who can speak to you about all the self-help you

14.Would you rather be single and rich or married and poor? and single...would minimise so many of the sufferings that i would be shedding off on other's shoulders...

15.If you fall in love with two people simultaneously,who will you pick?
I would never fall in love with two persons at a time,first of all...
16.Would you give all in a relationship?
In that serious relationship,yes...

17.Would you forgive and forget someone no matter how horrible a thing he has done?
I believe in forgiveness but i cant actually forget anything in life easily...

18.Do you prefer being single or in a relationship?
right now,i have no choice, have i?one has to experience before saying anything...

19.Your all time favourite song.only one and why?
hmm...Where angels fear to tread,by Bryan adams.soothes me instantly...makes me feel as if i were in heaven...

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